Tenzing-Hillary Everest Marathon 2024 Feedback

Andy CrisconiHimalayan Trekking Tours

Hi Andy, I’m still in Nepal but want to thank you for everything! You were very helpful when i asked you a few questions. The staff here is unbelievable! Top notch! My marathon was good, no problems. Maybe a little slower than most of my other marathons, but they weren’t at 17,000 feet! Thanks again, Warren M. from California2024 Tenzing-Hillary …

Around Manaslu Circuit Trek in 2024

Andy CrisconiHimalayan Trekking Tours

In 2024, we are bringing back our Manaslu Circuit Trek (17 days). The hike around Manaslu is still relatively little-traveled and offers a journey through farming villages, Buddhist culture and across the Larkye La pass (17,100 feet). This route now offers basic lodge accommodation, so no need to camp. Add another 6 days and continue along the Annapurna Circuit to …

Worldwide Camping Tours | One World Trekking

The Trans Bhutan Trail Coming in Spring 2022

Andy CrisconiFeatured Post, Himalayan Trekking Tours

Since 2022, One World Trekking has been offering you the opportunity to hike on Bhutan’s historic Trans Bhutan Trail. The Trans Bhutan Trail can be broken down into many short sections and your trip can be arranged around the exact dates you wish to trail during every month of the year. Bhutan is now open, so let’s go! Here are …

Bhutan – The Dagala Thousand Lakes Camping Trek

Andy CrisconiHimalayan Trekking Tours

Our new Dagala Trek takes hikers into a region of exquisite wilderness dotted by a myriad of small beautiful lakes. Dagala is also know as the ‘Land of a Thousand Lakes”. While most trekkers head for the popular areas surrounding Chomolhari Base Camp, the Dagala Trek remains a relatively little-known region which follows several ridgelines separating the Thimphu Valley to …